Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oh Dear Me,

What a week you've had Miss Whitney Brown. Unfortunately it's only half way over. Besides the fact that your classes are crazy and the time is rolling slowly,.... you are doing very well. You've made some great friends here in this chapter that have taught you wonderful things. You've learned some very interesting information during your study's. You've smiled a thousand times.
Aside from all that has already happened during your third semester here you are still sailing your own ship. What a beautiful adventure it is though. The wind will blow you to inspiring and beautiful shores no doubt. The nights may getting cold and the days could be brutal but then there will be the beautiful mornings with a perfect breeze and slight mist. Why would i dwell on the slight drop in temperature when i could focus on the wide open ocean that welcomes me gratefully?
Oh but dear, there are so many things to learn on this journey. So many mistakes you will simply have to make. Your heart is full and ready and sometimes it's easy to become careless and irresponsible. But every mistake has a lesson and your heart can learn. Trust yourself. Don't let silly critics tell you that you are not worth much. You are honored to have an adventure as great as this. Hope well.
The Deeper Part of Your Mind

1 comment:

Ty and Shay said...

You are so amazing! I am so glad you had a good semester at college! I cannot wait till you can play...